Thursday, July 20, 2006

Our Children God's Children - Rev C. Bouwman

"Very much of our time as parents is taken up by our children; they have a central, very central place in our daily lives. We tie their shoelaces, dry up their tears, sit with them at the table, read them stories. We send them off to school, fix their torn clothes, help with their homework, listen to their stories, kiss them goodnight. We coach them so they can get their licence, rejoice with them when they make profession of faith, clutch our hearts as they make their first forays into the work force, put together again the heart broken by the failed romance. And once they're married, the involvement remains (be it on a different level), and the fun starts with the next generation. Children take up so much of our time.

With this article, I want to draw out that the children entrusted into our care are heirs of God's kingdom; God has claimed these children for Himself in His covenant of grace, so that all His promises in Jesus Christ are for them. This royal identity implies that each of our children are exceedingly special to God. This identity in turn affects 'even dictates' the way we treat our offspring." Read More


Occidental gazing Oriental said...

I do not understand how Rev. Bouwman's thesis: ". . .the children entrusted into our care are heirs of God's kingdom; God has claimed these children for Himself in His covenant of grace, so that all His promises in Jesus Christ are for them," can be reconciled with God's statement in the Scriptures: "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:12-13).